Types of Dentists: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers

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types of dentists: you’ve got questions, we’ve got answers

During your last visit to our dentist in West Edmonton, you might have wondered what the 3 letters, DDS or DMD, next to their name stood for. If your dentist referred you to a dental specialist, you might have wondered about them too. So, what types of dentists are there, and how do they affect oral care? And what do all of these letters mean? Let’s take a look at the different types of dentists below.

General Dentistry in West Edmonton- DDS vs DMD

You often visit a general dentist in our dental clinic in West Edmonton. They are a DDS or a DMD. So what’s the difference between the two? If your dentist has a DDS, they have earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. If your dentist has a DMD, they earned their Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry or Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. Both types of general dentists have completed three or more years of undergraduate studies and four years of dental school.

Both types of dentists also share the same degree. So why does their title vary?

Their title differs depending on the university they attended and how that university recognizes their profession. General dentists treat overall oral care needs and can diagnose problems.

Dental Specialists

Sometimes, your general dentist may refer you to a dental specialist. A dental specialist is a doctor who has an additional two to four years of training in a specific side of dentistry. The four most common types of dental specialists are as follows:

  • Orthodontists: If you are referred to an orthodontist, it is because you have teeth or jaw misalignments such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites. These issues can be corrected with orthodontic solutions like braces and Invisalign.
  • Pediatric Dentists in West Edmonton: This dental specialist only works with children. They specialize in the oral development and care of children, and their additional training is centred around child phycology. Their services include dental exams and cleanings, habit counselling, fillings, and diagnostics.
  • Oral Surgeons: This type of dental specialist carries out surgical treatment. Your family dentist might refer you to an oral surgeon if you require wisdom teeth removal, dental implants or a biopsy.
  • Endodontists: This type of dental specialist provides root canal treatment to address tooth pain and treat infected tissues within a tooth, called the pulp. Your West Edmonton dentist might refer you to an endodontist if you experience chronic tooth pain and your X-rays reveal signs of infection.
  • Periodontists in West Edmonton: This type of dentist specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating periodontal disease. They provide patients with various treatments, including scaling and root planning. They are also trained in the placement, maintenance and repair of dental implants.
  • Prosthodontist: This type of dentist specializes in restoration. Patients with tooth loss or jaw problems will be referred to a prosthodontist. Prosthodontists replace lost or damaged teeth for a functional, natural, attractive smile. They specialize in porcelain veneers, crowns, dental implants, fixed bridges, dentures, and reconstructive dentistry.

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