What is the Best Food to Eat After Tooth Extraction Procedure?

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foods to eat after tooth extraction

Have you recently had a tooth extracted, or are you about to get one? Surgical tooth extraction in West Edmonton is a brave decision that will ultimately improve your dental health.

After the procedure, you can experience tenderness or discomfort, making eating more challenging. Some foods can hasten your recovery, while others can aggravate it. A list of foods one can eat after tooth extraction has been provided for your convenience below.

Furthermore, soft meals and drinks are great since they don’t require as much biting and chewing. The temperature of the food you eat after tooth extraction by a dentist near you is also crucial. While moderate or room temperature foods can be eaten alternatively, too cold or hot food items can cause soreness in the area.


A smoothie is a tasty way to eat fruit after you get a tooth extraction near you. You can blend your fruits with yogurt to boost your beverage’s probiotics, calcium, and protein content. You can lessen the acidity by including yogurt or other dairy items, which are less likely to irritate sensitive gums. Do not use a straw when drinking smoothies or other liquids since sucking could jar the blood clot covering the open tooth socket. It may reduce the possibility of a dry socket following extraction.

Scrambled Eggs

Eggs that have been scrambled are rich in protein and fluffy, light, and airy. To avoid discomfort from heated dishes, let the eggs cool first.

Mashed Food Items

You can get all the nutrients your body requires by eating soft foods after tooth extraction. For instance, our dentist in West Edmonton might suggest you mash up potatoes, squash, carrots, bananas, green beans, and avocados.

Cold Soup

Not only is soup easy to make, but it also has nutrients and proteins that are good for your health. Take a cup of moderately hot or cold soup to your aftercare routine. You only need to add a few simple-to-chew ingredients, such as spaghetti and little bits of vegetables.

Ice Cream

In addition to being delicious, ice cream is one of the best meals to eat following dental surgery. The area where your tooth was pulled can be soothed, and the swelling reduced thanks to its softness and coldness. After surgery, indulge in your favourite ice cream, and as you recover, if you’re looking for a healthy option, consider creating a smoothie. Frozen yogurt with bananas


Although quick oatmeal is less crunchy than regular oatmeal, you should still be cautious before consuming it, depending on your dental procedure. After removing your wisdom teeth, you should wait three days before eating oatmeal. Before consuming the oatmeal, ensure it is warm to prevent oral irritants. The rich fibre, vitamin, and mineral content of oatmeal keep you feeling full and invigorated.

Summing Up

You must practice some diet discipline to recover from oral surgery effectively. Select foods that aren’t brittle or hard will help your mouth recover. With our suggested soft food selections, you can satisfy the needs of your stomach and teeth. You can reach out to our dentist at Lessard Dental if you have any more queries regarding what to eat.

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