What are the Advantages of Dentures?

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Your appearance and oral health may be affected if you have missing teeth. Additionally, it makes eating and speaking challenging and diminishes your confidence when speaking or smiling in front of others.
The likelihood of developing periodontal disease and other oral infections rises when teeth are missing. Receiving dentures in West Edmonton to prevent such problems is a solution that you should consider. Please consult our experts to determine the right treatment option to restore missing teeth and enhance oral health.

Modern dentures are both comfortable and convenient for the user. Even though dental medicine has advanced significantly over the past few years, having a pair of personalized dentures made from higher-quality materials enables you to eat the foods you enjoy, smile with assurance, and speak normally. To replace your missing teeth, dentures near you are an ideal solution for you to consider.

Advantages of Dentures

1. Improve self-esteem

Missing teeth can negatively impact the functionality of your mouth and your confidence. The gaps created by your missing teeth can be filled with dentures. You regain your initial appearance and enhance it by getting dentures. It can help you restore your self-esteem.

2. Improve oral health

It is common knowledge that tooth loss can be bad for your dental health. By limiting the potential development of cavity-causing bacteria that can grow in the spaces between your teeth, dentures help you improve your oral and general health. Additionally, having dentures will lessen your chance of getting gum disease, foul odour, and tooth decay.

3. Restores speech functions

You might have trouble pronouncing some phrases or hear a hissing sound when speaking. The gaps in your molars are primarily to blame for this. Having dentures can fill in the gaps and get your speech back to normal. Although it won’t take long, speaking will require your lips and tongue to adjust to having dentures in place.

4. Affordable dentures

Dentures are a cost-effective treatment option if you have healthy natural teeth in your mouth.

5. These dentures are functional and comfortable, just like natural teeth. A few dental appointments might be necessary to get the right fit, but that is a minimal price for restored confidence and chewing and speaking abilities.

6. You are no longer restricted in what foods you can consume. If you wear dentures, you can eat all the foods you used to before missing your teeth. To protect your dentures, your dentist may suggest certain meals that should be consumed in moderation.

7. Partial dentures, which equally spread the chewing forces across all teeth, can help protect your natural teeth from excessive wear and tear.

8. Traditional dentures are removable, making them easy to clean and maintain.

9. Dentures are available in porcelain or plastic materials that mimic natural teeth, giving your smile a more natural appearance.

Visit our dental clinic in West Edmonton or speak with one of our professionals to learn more about the benefits of dentures.


High-quality dentures can considerably enhance your overall appearance. Our custom-fitted dentures at Lessard Dental will undoubtedly offer you the smile you’ve always wanted. Visit our dental clinic near you to find out more about this procedure. Our professionals provide quality services and ensure your dental issues are correctly addressed. You can improve both your mouth’s functionality and appearance with this treatment. We will assess your oral health and recommend the best teeth replacement option to offer you a natural smile.

Please schedule an appointment with one of our experts here at Lessard Dental by calling or sending us a message through our website. We’ll work with you to choose the best treatment for your condition.

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