Four Reasons To Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned

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four reasons to get your teeth professionally cleaned

Many people believe that if their teeth feel fine, they have no reason to visit a dentist. It is understandable; people have busy lives, and going to the dentist every six months can seem unnecessary. However, regularly getting a professional dental cleaning in West Edmonton is a good idea. Your teeth need help to remain healthy, and in this article, our team at Lessard Dental will tell you four ways professional dental cleanings can help them stay in excellent shape.

#1 Catching Problems Early

Even if you maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing at home, cavities can still strike at any moment. It is easy for a small cavity to begin within a couple of months. However, if you visit your dentist near you regularly, they can catch the cavity while it is still small and easy to patch up.
The longer a cavity goes without treatment, the more expensive and challenging it becomes to repair your teeth, so it is in your best interest to visit a dentist bi-annually for a professional dental cleaning and checkup to save yourself a lot of hassle.

#2 Removing Plaque and Tartar

While brushing and flossing do a good job of keeping your teeth clean, they can’t entirely remove all the plaque and tartar from your teeth. When you visit your dentist for a dental cleaning near you, they will scale and polish your teeth, reaching all the nooks and crannies of your mouth and removing all traces of these harmful substances.

#3 Maintaining Healthy Gums

Gum disease is more common than one might think, and severe gum disease can cause many oral and overall health issues. Visiting a dentist in West Edmonton regularly is not only about protecting your teeth; your gums can benefit too. Your gums will be thoroughly examined and cleaned during a professional dental cleaning. If your dentist notices any early signs of gum disease, they will be able to promptly treat and reverse it before it causes any significant harm to your oral health.

#4 Looking for Signs of Disease

Many people are unaware that many diseases in the body first show symptoms in the mouth. For instance, a disease such as diabetes is not typically considered an oral condition, but oral symptoms are the first to appear in some cases. A dentist can be one of the first medical professionals to notice these signs and make the appropriate referrals.
Furthermore, your dentist can check your mouth for early signs of oral cancer at your bi-annual cleaning, which often goes undetected in its early stages. Like any other cancer, the early detection of oral cancer provides you with the best chance of successful treatment.

Visit Lessard Dental!

If it has been over six months since your last dental cleaning, now is a great time to book your next visit. At Lessard Dental, we offer comprehensive, professional dental cleanings to all our patients as a form of preventative dentistry. Please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated team of dental professionals and book your appointment today!

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