Are Composite or Porcelain Veneers The Best?

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  • Are Composite or Porcelain Veneers The Best?
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Having a smile that you love is important for your self-confidence. Your smile is often the first thing people see when you first meet them, and you want it to make a great impression. If there is something about the look of your smile that you don’t love, you don’t have to look far to find a solution! At Lessard Dental, we offer composite and porcelain veneers in West Edmonton to help mask any minor cosmetic imperfections in your smile. Read more to learn about how these cosmetic dentistry treatments can benefit you!

What Problems Can Veneers Address?

Composite and porcelain veneers near you can be used to rectify issues such as:

  • Small chips and cracks
  • Uneven spacing and gaps between teeth
  • Stained teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

Both porcelain and composite veneers can provide patients with excellent results and smile that they cannot wait to share with everyone they meet; however, each type of veneer has pros and cons. Let’s take a look at how they compare to each other.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made up of layers of a composite resin material that our dentist near you builds upon the surface of your tooth to improve its appearance, including its shape, size, or shade. This procedure is non-invasive, and the composite veneers can be removed.

Since no dental laboratory is involved in the manufacturing and placing of composite veneers, they are affordable, and you won’t have to wait to improve your smile. The process for getting composite veneers is brief and straightforward, and typically, our dentist can treat several misshapen or discoloured teeth in one visit. The composite material can stain, so you must be mindful of how much you ingest darker-coloured substances such as berries, red wine, and coffee.

If you take good care of your teeth, maintain a healthy diet, and visit Lessard Dental for professional cleanings and checkups at least once every six months, your composite veneers should last about five years before requiring replacement.

Porcelain Veneers

If you choose to get porcelain veneers, our dentist in West Edmonton will begin by altering your affected teeth to make room for the veneers and taking impressions which will be sent to a dental laboratory to create your custom veneers. The process of manufacturing your veneers takes about two weeks. When your veneers are ready, our dentist will bond them securely to your teeth.

Since they are custom-made, porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite veneers; however, they are also much stronger than composite veneers and can last up to ten years. The porcelain material that makes up these veneers is fairly stain-resistant, so discoloration is unlikely.
Additionally, porcelain veneers are matched exactly to the appearance of your natural teeth; many patients prefer them for this reason alone. Since porcelain veneers require that our dentist alter your teeth, choosing to get them is a lifetime commitment, and they cannot be removed.

Which Option Is Right for You?

If you are considering enhancing your smile and would like to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of composite and porcelain veneers, please do not hesitate to contact our team of dedicated dental professionals at Lessard Dental. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Don’t hesitate to contact us to book a consultation today!

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